theorize|theorized|theorizes|theorizing in English

verb theorize (Amer.)

[the·o·rize || 'θɪəraɪz]

develop a theory, hypothesize (also theorise)

Use "theorize|theorized|theorizes|theorizing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "theorize|theorized|theorizes|theorizing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "theorize|theorized|theorizes|theorizing", or refer to the context using the word "theorize|theorized|theorizes|theorizing" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Axions, theorized fundamental particles, could be …

2. Researcher theorizes worlds with underground oceans support, Conceal life

3. Elaine theorizes that trolling at work is the problem.

4. The professor theorized about the age of the earth.

5. The theorized weltanschauung is different from people's realistic weltanschauung.

6. Constructionism is theorized and advocated by Piaget and Papert

7. But this, again, was theorizing in advance of the facts.

8. In addition to theorizing on evolution in " The Origin of Species, "

9. 16 The psychoanalyst Sam Osherson theorizes that fatherhood threatens the very structure of male psychology.

10. Scientist theorized a network of computers connected to each other.

11. 21 To theorize in advance of the facts biases one's judgment.

12. 2 It's easy to theorize about what might have happened.

13. Researchers theorize that there was once a common language for all humanity.

14. The ancient Greek Atomists theorized that nature consists of two

15. 18 They theorize that internal fat disrupts the body's communication systems.

16. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.

17. Their Walkpersons are in actuality radar sensors cleverly disguised, I theorize.

18. The psychoanalyst Sam Osherson theorizes that fatherhood threatens the very structure of male psychology.

19. 24 Their Walkpersons are in actuality radar sensors cleverly disguised, I theorize.

20. 17 It is a grave mistake theorize before one has data.

21. 7 Officials theorize that the truck bottomed out, catching on the highway.

22. 9 Topic 2 It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data.

23. 28 What's important is to get things done, not to theorize about them.

24. 1 Researchers theorize that there was once a common language for all humanity.

25. Agreeableness is one of the Big Five personality traits, which theorizes that there are five major dimensions to personality